Max and I were at Wal-Mart this morning. I honestly hate shopping there, but in this miniature city, that's all there is for certain things like diapers. (I will
never purchase groceries there. No way.) Anyway, while we were in the baby section, a lady asked me for some help in picking out a gift for a baby shower. She didn't have any children herself and she wanted to buy things that the baby would actually use. I was very happy to help her since I never had a baby shower of my own. I picked out things from newborn diapers to extra large swaddle blankets. And at Wal-Mart, you don't have a zillion options.
While I was helping her, Max was in the cart digging through my purse. He pulled out his box of organic cheddar duckies and rather than eating them, HE ATE THE BOX. He chewed on it a little during dinner Saturday night, but today he actually swallowed some of the box. He had drooled all himself, was missing a shoe and had a slight scent of poo. At least he was dressed nice, but it just seemed so typical of that ghetto store. I hope the packaging is organic like the food inside.
My kid LOVED cardboard when he was a baby! You know the hardbound baby books, yeah, he chewed ALL of them! I constantly had to swipe cardboard out of his mouth. Oh and I hate the ghettoness of walmart too! The worse for me is when a kid is 10, has not brushed their hair in a week, has dirt ALL over them and is running around with NO shoes or socks on! GROSS. I literately have to keep myself from calling CPS
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