I was planning to work when Maximus starts school, but my availability would be 2, maybe 3 days a week only between the hours of 9am - 11:15am. After hiring 500+ employees for Hilton, I realized that availability would make employers laugh. So this works out great! It's not a "real" job by any means, but man, it feels good to be contributing a little more. I'm actually looking forward to working almost full time when Maximus is in school full time. I LOVE being a stay at home mom and we're fortunate that I don't have to work outside the home like so many mothers are forced to do. But it will feel great to get back into a different type of work eventually. After working in stressful (yet empowering) positions with different employers and after enjoying the true joy of being home with Maximus, I decided that when I do return to work I need to be doing something I love: working with disabled adults who need help finding employment, cooking for others, or with children. Or...at a resort so Jesse and I can ski/snowboard free...hmm...
On the staying home note, Maximus said something today that was epic. As I made him lunch, he hung on my legs and said, "I wuv you mom." The use of "I" in place of "me" is a huge development in his speech. Maximus has a delay with phonological processes backing and works with a speech pathologist. This is a major step forward. I was happy to be home making him lunch to hear him say this.
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