Saturday, November 15, 2008

Our lovely evening

After Jesse got home, we got ready and headed out to a local brewery for dinner. Here's Maximus helping dad get ready...and Jesse's going to kill me for posting this picture of him in his BOXERS! Ha!
After dinner, Max was exhausted. A gave him his "B's" (bath, bottle, bed) and he actually fell asleep on my shoulder! My baby never does that anymore because he's so busy. He'd rather find the remote, attack the dogs, eat dog food, etc. I miss the days when he was a helpless little baby. Aww...


Roundy Clan said...

This is a really good picture of you! Total MILF ;)

Starr said...

Jesse's socks are hilarious! You are quite tan missy, and it's November! I LOVE that pic of you 2 it's so precious. ( love that when you're a mama you can say precious)