Monday, May 9, 2011

Mothers Day

I am so glad I'm Maximus' mom! And Jesse's partner! I have the best little family ever and I couldn't be happier. My kid is super cool, my man is dreamy, life's good.

The weather we've had here for the last week has been unreal. I mean, I wouldn't want to be anywhere else in the world. It is PERFECT. It only gets to about 70, but there isn't a cloud in the sky, so the sun at 9,000ft makes it feel like 90. I got sunburned pretty bad and it hurt for one day, and now I'm all tan and happy. Saturday morning I went for a 6 mile run (and broke my time record!) and I realized I CAN run a marathon. My training has been such an emotional boost.

Anyway, on Mothers Day, all I wanted to do was be with my guys. Jesse brought me coffee in bed and I sat there with a sleeping Maximus for over an hour. Loved it! Jesse went for a long bike ride and I know this sounds lame, but I wanted to get laundry and housework done alone while he was gone and Maximus slept in late. Doing housework and getting my house clean for us actually makes me happy. I feel gross when it's dirty and cluttered with stuff. So, I was honestly delighted to do a few things alone, but when Jesse found out, he was like, "you're not supposed to do anything like that today! Let me!" No, sorry. Then I secretly swept the kitchen floor as he showered!

After we got ready, I wanted to go for a hike. We found a great 2 mile trail and took off. Jesse even taught Maximus how to pee in the woods! Maximus exclaimed, "ik (it) bubbles!" After the hike I was dying for my favorite restaurant- The Boathouse- for a hummus plate and eating out on the patio with a view of all the mountains. We enjoyed that, strolled around Main Street, did a little shopping, I rode my bike around the neighborhood jumping curbs alone, chilled with my guys, LOVED MY DAY.

Horrible view, eh?

Maximus is happiest running through the woods.

I got the hummus I wanted!

Jesse raced Saturday and here's Maximus winning.

Cute little video of Maximus:

1 comment:

Jake and Courtney said...

Cutest Maximus EVER. I wish I was there to dance with him. He cracks me up. Love your videos. :)