Monday, January 12, 2015

Christmas Break

We went to the trampoline park and there was a foam pit! 

Maximus went roller skating with Ryan. 

So I took Ingrid swimming. 

Christmas Eve. He's ready for war. 

Christmas morning. 

An American Girl doll! Ahhhhh!

These two. Such sweetness before opening gifts. 

Oh geez, he got a bow and arrow. 

Christmas Eve stroll. 

Woo! It snowed Christmas evening! 

Drive up Boulder Canyon to go snowboarding. 

He's still a lot better than me. And way faster. 

During the break, we went and painted pottery and then over to the indoor bounce house place. 

Me and my mini me. 

New Years Eve we went to the party at the Childrens Musuem while dad was at work. 

Oh yes she did!

And I left the museum withy Spider Man and a princess butterfly. 

May got to play with her buddy Rex, who is a totally insane Dalmation puppy who never stops. 

Ingrid played with Addison a lot. 

Maximus and Darian had their first sleep over and it was a success! 

Still working on potty training. Ugh. 

May helped her human when he was struggling. 

And she also attended Ingrid's tea parties. 

Back to school soup party! 

She was pissed that I wouldn't let her eat a THIRD bagel with cream cheese. 

And remember when I was pregnant with her and I said I'd never let her wear pink, let alone tutus or a vest with cats on it? Yeah. Whatever. 

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