Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Constructive criticism

I received some constructive criticism today about my blog. Thanks guys! (Please keep in mind that I am grieving the loss of our dog. And again, thank you to those who showed support. I cried more today than I did yesterday, so I'm hoping things get easier.) I'm writing this blog to clear up any confusion anyone else has about what I write. Wait a second...isn't this my blog? Don't I get to write about whatever I want to?

Here are two misconceptions that apparently are very obvious. I had no idea! I must have my head shoved so far in my ass that I miss these things.

1. Taking my camera to the emergency room was pretty much a selfish attempt to gain attention. Yeah, who does that? Answer: the mom who is obsessed with photos and will capture the first time her son pisses into the "big boy" toilet.

2. And this one hits me right in the balls. I am deeply, deeply hurt by this. It's going to come across harsh only because of how offended I am. I DID NOT HAVE MY DOG PUT TO SLEEP BECAUSE I WAS TOO LAZY TO FIND HER A HOME. How dare anyone ever judge me. My dog died in my arms 30 hours ago because she was fucking sick! My dog was sick! She was sick! Claire was sick! I made the right decision, goddammit, and I had 4 professionals who assured me! I will defend this until I'm blue in the face! I'm appalled. Jesse and I are hurting so much from our loss. So much. It's difficult to even get up in the morning and shower. We can't eat dinner because we sit and talk about Claire and cry. (Oh wait, there's that attempt at selfish attention again) Show some decency!

The Claire comment hurt me worse than anything I've ever heard. I'm writing this because I deserve to. I won't be treated like that from anyone.


Christy said...

That is utterly and completely a horrendous thing for someone to say to you! I had read the post about Claire, and was going to comment my support in the decision you had to make. It wasn't a case of poor dog parenting, it wasn't a case of lack of patience, or anything else. There was a physical problem with her that made it impossible for her to coexist with anyone. I absolutely understand what had to happen, horrible though it was. I saw that you got many, many professional opinions before the decision was final, and it was confirmed afterwards that you absolutely did the right thing. There are people who would put a dog down because they couldn't be bothered to train it properly. You are not one of those people.

Starr said...

What is going on? I'm not sure what happened. I get annoyed at people's comments on blogs when they tell you what you should/shouldn't write. I'm like it's my blog so I can post things to remember them, if you don't want to read it.... DON'T (and fuck off on the way out too!)


Jake and Courtney said...

WHAT? Why would anyone write those things? You really have got to be kidding me...I'm sorry! Who said those things???