Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Many Names of Maximus

  • Handsomer
  • Baby Shark
  • Max-eye-mus
  • Maximii
  • Sir
  • Dude
  • Hans
  • LJ (Little Jesse)
  • The Greek Norsky
  • Googoo (sometimes just "goog")
...and the newest one: BEEFY! We always comment on how he has "big beefy legs like dad" so I just started calling him Beefy. He started out with the skinniest legs ever and now they're so big and strong. He and Jesse stood in front of the mirror the night and both had shorts on. Maximus' legs are just a shorter version of Jesse's. I would post a picture, but Jesse was in his boxers, so I'll post this one instead. And notice how "Max" isn't on the list? We never call him that! Everyone else does.

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