Friday, June 25, 2010

Branched Oak Training Race

Jesse had a mountain race yesterday...and we're in Nebraska...does that sound weird to anyone else? Anywho, this is the second time Jesse has ever mountain raced and guess what? HE TOTALLY WON! Like, first place in front of everyone else won!

It was technically a "training race" but they still keep results and dude, he won it! (And he was a few minutes ahead of the others!) I am so proud of him I'm almost speechless!

During the hour long race, Maximus fed Lucky (the nicest dog I've ever met) raisins and ice.

Maximus fell off his bike Wednesday. Like, ate concrete and slid down a hill type of falling. He cut his lip and now we call him "Scab Face".
He was assigned "cone picker upper" after the race was over.Nice clean socks with dirty legs.


Christy said...

Quick note - No more raisins (or grapes) for dogs, please!

Secondly, a big congratulations to Jessee! And I am LOVING the photo you put up as the header.

Stacey said...

Thanks! I'm so proud of Jesse. Isn't that photo cool? Our friend Alexandra Matzke takes the best- I love the wine corks in his hand and snot streaming from his nose. He looks like Jesse.