Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Dude. We got a storm in last night that's dropped SO MUCH SNOW. The good thing is that it's not a cold storm- the temp is the upper 20's to lower 30's, so it feels nice. (my family in California is reading this and shivering and thinking I've lost my mind...) The picture above is our walkway. There's a fence somewhere.

Today Maximus and I went to the library for story time and got caught in a whiteout on the way home. We just had to pull over for a few minutes until there was more visibility. But hey, story time at the library was a blast! Two librarians put on a skit about frogs getting dressed to go snowboarding and then we made frog puppets. Maximus had a great time and I was happy to meet other parents. Everyone we meet here is so friendly! We will definitely be going there each week.

We came home and decorated Jesse's "bike cave" with swag from the bike shop. We came upstairs and looked through the windows and yep, we are in a snow globe. We're going to go shovel the driveway (again) to get some exercise and to just be outside. I LOVE how the snow here is very easy to be in. Last year in Lincoln, it was so bitter cold and windy that we couldn't even breathe outside. But here, it's nice. My arthritic hands rarely hurt from the cold because the air is so dry.

Part of our front yard. Snow up to the windows. We're not worried about that icicle because it's impossible to even get to.

These are the icicles we watch. They grow each day and now they touch the ground. They're really pretty, but need to be knocked down. There's a dog in the neighborhood that likes to visit Jackie by sitting on the other side of the window and I don't want them to fall on her. These icicles are taller than me! And I'm six feet tall!

Here's a cute little video of Maximus loving the snow:

1 comment:

Unknown said...