Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Maximus' 3rd Birthday

Hello handsome! Great hat mom, perfect.

Yesterday Maximus 2HaffEpic turned 3. AND it was his first day of school. This kid LOVES school. After his second day, he has a little girlfriend- Sarah who is always in a corduroy jumper with heart tights and stick straight hair. She's 4. Since the weather isn't above 0 degrees, the kids have to go to the indoor gym for break where they play number color dodge ball. His teachers said he's one of the few they've seen adapt so well and his extreme social butterfly tendencies help. Me...I ended up bawling my eyes out in the parking lot for 15 minutes, attempting a run in -20 degree weather thus absolutely killing my legs, eyes and lungs and crying some more. Today I did more productive things and cried less. When did I become "that mom"?

Birthday breakfast- buckwheat pancakes, blueberries and Green Machine juice.

"Dinosaur Island" birthday cake. If you really want to know about what's in it, I'll post the recipe on my food blog.

Hooray! We gave our 3 year old hockey skates to see what other epic things he can do!

Rawr! Thanks for the plate mom!

This was Maximus before bed. All cute and snuggly in his suit, Pooh blankie and the lavender scented monkey. Then he shoves his finger up his snout.

This picture he drew today- it's his "Happy kay too" (happy birthday cake).

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