Saturday, June 6, 2009

"Home Sweet Home" Invaders

We came home from dinner and pulled into the garage. Our garage leads to our laundry room which is inside of our house! It could have gotten in! Jackie and Max would have played with it! I'm pretty sure I heard this thing running around in our garage. I screamed and Jesse stepped on it. I hate spiders and no matter what anyone tells me, there's no use for them and the world would be a better place without them. And Jesse, my love, thinks it so funny to tell me there's a spider in my hair after seeing this. Ass hole.


Starr said...

I don't mind spiders, but not in my house! We have spider spray come every 4 months. I think they are nationwide, and they are a good price.

Roundy Clan said...

That's a pretty big spider! I would have freaked out too. I love spiders as long as they are not IN my house and crawling on me.